
from a heart without a key

and a lock that deeply bleeds,

he was blamed for a life

 he didn’t live …

and suffered the punishment for 

 sins he didn’t commit.


One thought on “blame

  1. I feel that so much. The first two lines dragged me to read more. Please don’t hold a grudge if I interpret it wrong but i would like to try. From what I gather is that you give out the key, and than basically someone runs away with it. leaving your heart to pump full of adrenal heartache. Since, the person ran off with the key, your blood is now flowing all over the place and now your suffering and unable to live your life fully. And that some people don’t understand grief that it can be debilitating and traumatic even. This person stole the key to your heart and than blamed you for destroying their heart, when in reality that’s what happend to you.


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